I am going on my 4th week here in Argentina, and I am craving Starbucks.
Pathetic, i know.
That is...I was craving it until I discovered the joys of a cup of Argentinian coffee.
Cafe con leche is fast becoming one of my favorite morning, or afternoon rituals.
A few days ago a friend and I went out for an Argentinan breakfast. We soon learned that
the morning meal for an Argentinan can hardly be called a meal. Cafe con leche, a croissant, and a (small) cup of OJ. As meager as it was, the coffee was great, and i actually felt satisfied afterwards.
Then, this last Sunday, my friend Michelle and I spent most of the day studying at a local cafe, and enjoying a steamy cup of joe, which was followed, of course, by sparkling water-- which supposedly removes the coffee taste from your mouth.
I don't know if it's just been a long time, or if the coffee here really is great, but
lol. why am i not surprised? a whole blog on coffee. i knew it was coming haha ;)
HoHoHo! That 8 months without coffee idea went quickly out the window! What is it about coffee? I know. I'm having the same struggle to stay away from it. Something about the taste and the comfort of it. Of course, without 1/2 & 1/2 or milk or soy, it would be just as thin as tea. Which somehow, never seems to be quite as satisfying. Maybe I should try tea con leche! Cute pic? Did you take?
Mmmm! Coffee! I am surrounded by coffee plantations here in Tanzania. They're really beautiful! I miss you lots, honey. Can we have a coffee date when we return?
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